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Mimi Ito - Weblog: Connected Learning = Abundant Opportunity + Terror + Hard Attentiona... - 7 views

  • Most were reluctant
    • Terry Elliott
      Learned behavior, learned mindsets. Unlearning is the devil's own.
    • Terry Elliott
      Reminded of my first attempts with zeegas--unclear, uncertain
    • Kevin Hodgson
      And we learn in those uncomfortable moments, including how to create our own agency with technology. With Zeega, you've pushed the boundaries in many directions, Captain Zeega.
    • Tania Sheko
      It's scary at first but once you get used to it, it's easier than F2F in my opinion.
    • Maha Bali
      I think I now find it easier than f2f too... That probably requires elaboration, though :) as I know it's not intuitive. I wonder if it is a phase everyone goes through to finally reach that comfort, or if it is just something some people are more disposed to enjoy/be comfortable with, while others not (like intro/extroversion)
    • anonymous
      with an online comment/post, there is no interruption, no direct contact to 'see' how others take what you say or do, and this can make it easier- or at least appear 'safer' on a personal front - esp. considering the teens Mimi was talking about... but, there is also a sense of permanence when people write and put something out there, whereas in f2f, what you say is gone in that moment. When something is written, people (potentially anyone) can come back to it, and this can be perceived as a threatening sort of exposure, perhaps even the person writing it might not want to have to see it again... so it is both easier and harder at the same time for different reasons for different people.
  • Despite the encouragement of local mentors, they didn’t see themselves are part of that world and ready to contribute, at least not yet.
    • Terry Elliott
      Schema. Or as max Stirner calls them,"wheels in the head".  Wheels in the head are any ideas that the mind cannot give up.  For example, I am not an artist/creator/maker,  I am a consumer.
    • Maha Abdelmoneim
      How do we decide who's enthusiastic? What is being Net Savvy? The difference between introversion, extraversion and the level of ease a person finds in company of others for whatever reason. Are all modes of communications comfortable to everybody and why? On a personal note: I am not comfortable writing at all but I can talk for hours when it comes to f2f :)
    • Terry Elliott
      I totally admire your English.  It's way better than my Egyptian. ;-)
    • Maha Bali
      I've experienced Maha's talking firsthand via phone and it's awesome :) But I like her writing too, even if she doesn't feel comfortable with it. So cool to have you here in Diigo Maha!
    • Maha Abdelmoneim
      I'll graciously accept your kindness, both of you /curtsy (a WoW emote, if you're wondering) :) But seriously, I've had managers and even senior mangers who would sit very quietly, apparently (stress on apparently) reluctant to contribute to a conversation/discussion in a training situation. I used to catch myself making assumptions as to why (won't go into that here, too long) then see them fully engaged in an exercise where they had to sit on the floor and use Lego pieces. When I tried different approaches they did join A conversation, not necessarily mine, not necessarily with me watching, but they learned and contributed to the learning. hmmm now I'll start editing myself /lol so better stop and hit post. .
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, I have this problem all the time in the classroom where my expectations get in the way of reality. Trying more to be mindful of this blindspot in my teaching.
  • Help! How do I know what to pay attention to?
    • Kevin Hodgson
      A good reminder that everyone has their own thresholds for navigating the flow in a "space" like #ccourses, and that even the most savvy will miss a whole lot of the interactions. That's OK.
    • Terry Elliott
      This also raises one of the essential questions of connected learning:  what do we attend to and how?  We have to have a basis for filtering (another name for attending).  Some of these filters are very fine and designed to have potable water as their product, but most are very porous screens designed to get the big rocks out so that we can build meaning with them.  And the ability to switch out filters should be one of the hallmarks of a capable person in digital systems.
    • Terry Elliott
      Thresholds were originally a barrier to the grain escaping from the threshing room floor and out the door.  It was intended to prevent waste.  We don't have the same kind of scarcity in a connected space.  We can't be concerned about "waste".  Instead we have to be obsessed with making sure that we have the best grain in the mill so that we can have the best flour.  Maybe we need one out of a hundred of the grains in order to have the very best flour.  You don't get that with a threshhold.  You get it by finding a way to sort and winnow the best from the rest and not just the wheat from the chaff.
    • Tania Sheko
      It's difficult to break out of the traditional concept of following a defined sequential path and instead dip into the stream.
    • swatson217
      Yes, #clmooc was my first nonlinear course, and it was a learning curve to grasp the webbed nature of participating - but once I did, it was such a beautiful thing!
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Quiet
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Still on my reading list ...
    • Terry Elliott
      Check out the TED talk above for the tl;dr version.
    • Tania Sheko
      That book helped me and others I know to realise that being an introvert was not a weakness, and to accept ourselves and not push against who we are.
  • “xdogx”
    • Kevin Hodgson
      See:  for my comic response (of sorts)
    • swatson217
      great comic response :)
  • In many ways these different forms of participation fit into what Internet product people might call an > engagement funnel where newcomers and the less net savvy like me march steadily from awareness to engagement to becoming active contributors and content generators.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Yes, and we need to value all levels of the participation, too. Us loudies need to make sure we are inviting, not shouting so loud that others feel they can't contribute, or feel guilty about not contributing. Now that I think of it, my own appeal for more facilitators to get involved in the social media spaces of CCourses runs into conflict with that very statement. Dang it.
    • Terry Elliott
      No, I think it can be reconciled,Kevin. If other step up, you can step back or shout in a different direction or encourage and cajole in different spaces. Or just chill and observe and report back.
    • Maha Abdelmoneim
      @Kevin I don't think there's a conflict. More involvement is not equal to shouting so loud. May be we need to think of being more inviting in more ways?
    • mitomimi
      I also don't see a conflict but I do think the question of what the right invitations are is crucial. Having the "loudies" (lol) to keep modeling high engagement is essential and I at least have appreciated the individual pokes and invitations from this same core group.
    • Maha Bali
      Love this thread, and thank you Maha and Mimi for letting us know that we "loudies" (cute term, will adopt!) are not shouting too loud for you (though we may be too loud for others)
    • swatson217
      I never thought of myself as a loudie, and am on the introvert-side of the continuum for sure, but the folks at #clmooc taught me that exponential things happen when you jump in.  Thise who are "too" quiet may not know what they are missing.
  • colliding through a loosely orchestrated cross-network remix
  • constellation
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I am big on the constellation metaphor -- the stories that emerge when stars are connected by imagination.
    • Maha Bali
      Made me think of u immediately, Kevin, that thing u did for #clmooc - the word constellation evokes that for me now
  • This heterogeneity can feel like chaos and collision of competing styles and expectations, but I also see it as a site of productive tension that is characteristic of connected learning. Connected learning is predicated on bringing together three spheres of learning that are most commonly disconnected in our lives: peer sociability, personal interests/affinity, and opportunities for recognition. In kids’ lives these are friends, interest-based activities, and school. In connected courses, this is the reciprocity and fun in the social stream, our personal interests and expertise, and institutional status/reputation.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Dang. She hits a home run with this paragraph!
    • Terry Elliott
      Simon Ensor's Clavier Project simplifies this to providing an interesting space so that interesting people can do interesting 'things'.  I admire the abstraction here and would love to see the practice in the previous paragraph.  Phonar/clmooc/ds106/'s do now/Paul Allison's Youth Voices. This is where this theory tears into the road and the rubber either stays on the tire or you get new tires.
    • Maha Abdelmoneim
      I am not sure how are they disconnected? I see them as intersecting. Take the example of someone playing a team sport that they love. All spheres are represented and interconnected almost merging together. School and work can be sketchy where, depending on teachers,managers, colleagues, available choices etc, some spheres become larger or smaller and affect the balance of the picture.
    • mitomimi
      Maha that must mean you are a connected learner :). Sadly I feel a lot of kids are "learning" just for the grade and they don't see it as part of what they are interested in or what they are socially connected to.
    • Maha Bali
      Maha's and Mimi's responses are a good reminder about how connection is not just about online or tech. It should be obvious but we can sometimes forget that!
    • swatson217
      I am still struggling to get teachers to see the value of this connecting.  I know, it's a marathon.
  • We are still struggling with how to capture some of the complexity of the activity of connected courses.
  • neck and neck race
    • Kevin Hodgson
      And what is interesting -- most of their tweeting has been making connections together (I think -- no data to back that up. Jamieson?), as Simon and Maha work magic in the social media sphere.
    • Maha Bali
      Yeah, what is more interesting is the amount of UNHASHTAGGED tweeting between us (Simon, Kevin, Terry, Susan) as well as other stuff where i stop using the #ccourses tag... I sometimes do it on purpose to reduce my noise; other times to just squeeze a few extra chars in, and sometimes for semi-privacy. Until recently, Alan and Mariana were top tweeters, too. Tho i find the majority of their tweeting "supportive" as in, helping others, which i love about them both, whether it is official or unofficial
    • swatson217
      I admittedly get caught up and forget to hashtag.  :)
  • We can see that so far about half our visitors are new, and that the spikes, again come with the live events
  • I hope that we can continue to embrace the abundance and diversity of forms and intensity of engagement while also guiding each other to try something new, to slow down or speed up our default metabolism, or appreciate a new perspective or geekdom.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      and the unexpected ...
    • Maha Bali
      Definitely the unexpected :)
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts
    • Terry Elliott
      Ito's listing here is important.  They are all examples of the social craft of connecting which is a subset of the discipline of teaching and learning.
  • co-facilitators
    • Terry Elliott
      One of those filters is the folk and all manner of them, expert and otherwise.  The lived experience of the folk is one of the most profound filters we have.  Books are another.  The idea of ideas is another.  Metaphor and figurative language in general are others.  I think the notion of love is one of the most profound filters there is.
    • mitomimi
      My team had a motto back in the early days of Internet studies: "The best search engine is a well-informed friend." I am probably defaulting to this as my filter strategy. Not sure if this is the right one given the opportunity for new encounters on ccourses though.
    • Maha Bali
      Well, Mimi, you can add to your list of well-informed friends as you go :) that's how it works for me, a few key people connect me to everything and everyone else, then i'll meet a new person who becomes "key" coz i love what they help me connect to... And so on :)
    • swatson217
      Love as a filter- yes, yes.
  • ruminating on the implications for Connected Courses
    • Terry Elliott
      This would be a very profound filter to read about. Not what Ito found in her research but how she mucks about it, how her ruminations follow and work.  Her discoveries on how she filters the great steaming compost of her research from start to intial finish. 
    • mitomimi
      I wish there was more conscious method to the madness... It's not that I don't have any systematic process, but I really rely on having mental space for pattern recognition to happen over time and that's why I think I'm challenged by the pace of ccourses. I do like the metaphor of filtering that you're bringing to this. I find the thought that good filters might exist to be comforting. But I don't have them! I tend to rely on immersion more than filtering as a method I guess. Which is anthropological... but at some point, yes, one does need to make some choices!
    • Maha Bali
      This is all getting me itchy to read about Mimi's work on researching connecting learning for several reasons: 1. I want to know how she researched it when she's not comfortable on twitter (haha) 2. I am interested to know about research methodology 3. I fell in love with Mimi reading this post and I want to immerse myself in her work and anything she writes!!! Strange how seeing Mimi on hangout for a few mins did not give me much insight but this post was I can't explain the profound effect it had on me, both for my own reflections but also how it made me feel and think about Mimi.
    • swatson217
      I hope Mimi is reading these comments :)
  • the most awesome staff
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, how have the staff been involved.  How are they filtering and testing and adjusting and doing?  They are deep in the mill, grinding the wheat, keeping out the chaff.  
  • feeling the pull of the fragments of notes
    • Terry Elliott
      If you are feeling the pull of the notes you should succumb to their siren call and gives us those unpolished notes.  Just let us know that they are just that.  Let us filter them if they really are pulling at you. 
    • mitomimi
      I suppose I could think aloud on twitter more. It's hard to find time to find the quiet time to pull together a blog post. Or maybe I'm setting the threshold too high on blogging :)!
    • Maha Bali
      I love what Tania Sheko has done: put together her annotations into a blogpost. I understand that not all people can blog as often and not all feel comfy with unfinished thoughts being out in the open. It's a risk, and i regret it sometimes. But i think there is a middle way for people like Mimi who can blog such awesomeness but feel they cannot do it as frequently. One really useful way of blogging is to curate what you've been reading. I do it sometimes to help me organize my thoughts, and also to let people know i appreciate their work. Mimi's post we are annotating here did so much of that for me and did not feel long at al actually. It was v engaging and full and rich.
  • social stream that I know I’m missing.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, you are missing something.  I take solace in the disturbing fact that almost every stream of infor mation you might have received was only so much noise.  It is only when you drink it in that it becomes signal.  Your signal and your meaning. The faith we need is that our system of connections is robust enough to be trusted.  So...the system of connections both digital and actual is what is 'holy'.  It is what we do to honor that web and remake that web that is our greatest task.  Connecting is a social craft.  It is time we started honoring it as such.
  • I’ve so appreciated observing and learning from my more experienced online co-facilitators as they surf the rapids;
    • Terry Elliott
      I have spent the better part of the last two summers internalizing and then externalizing your research into connected learning--the values and principles you have so carefully drawn out of your research.  We are surfing the rapids on the kayak that you and your researchers designed especially facilitators from #clmooc.
    • mitomimi
      Thank you for this Terry and for your courage in surfing the rapids!
  • I don’t even know what to say about @cogdog Alan who apparently can comment on blogs and make a GIF while hosting a live event.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that praise is due here to Alan,  but I would like to remind you that there is a web of unsung and unheralded and unknown that are yet to be uncovered.  it is our work as facilitators and helpers and participants to tease and ease them onto the dance floor.  God knows they can boogie better than I can if we can just get them onto the floor and teach us how to juke.
  • “legitimate peripheral participants,”
    • Terry Elliott
      Actually I prefer descriptions of what people do when they legitimately and peripherally participating.  The abstractification of digital space I think is the occupational hazard of researchers.  it is my job to shout out that the emperor has no clothes.  What is legitimate and what is peripheral and how is that different from marginal and what constitute participant membership?  No...freaking...clue.  
    • Terry Elliott
      cornucopia/distributed network/cop/ cross-network remix/immersive theater/funnel/community/hybrid/constellation/stances. I am confused. Good.
  • or that the delicate social machinery we’ve stitched together is going to fall apart
    • Terry Elliott
      The only way it will fall apart is if you don't trust the users to pick up the slack in the web.
  • Living at the collision of multiple CoPs, funnels of engagement and streams means that we can all find a way to succeed!
    • Terry Elliott
      Reminds me of a pinball.
  • mmersive theater where participants are all experiencing a different narrative.
    • swatson217
      This is interesting to try to visualize; it takes my mind into photos of intertwined galaxies.  I wonder sometimes "how" different the narratives are that we each experience.  Perhaps the similarity fades as you move away from each rhizome that you participate in.  Of course, our perception of our narrative is crucially affected by our lens, our filter(s), our biases.
  • sequentially by different facilitators
    • swatson217
      I am curious how different facilitators will dip in differently...
  • pulled together some stats
    • swatson217
      I am glad you pointed this out - I had no idea these were on the CC site!
  • Our “open” rate on the emails to subscribers is a whopping 50.7% compared to the industry standard of 16.7%
    • swatson217
      interesting...I had no idea.
    Wow -- this piece by Mimi Ito deserves the full annotation/comment of the group. Let's get into it!
    Wow -- this piece by Mimi Ito deserves the full annotation/comment of the group. Let's get into it!

Unconference & Backchannels as Sidorkin's Third DiscourseReflecting Allowed | Reflectin... - 3 views

  • backchannel conversations with people via social media; and unconferences
    • Kevin Hodgson
      In many ways, this is the value of the open education movement -- the chance to interact without direct instruction from the "talking head" in the classroom. It's a dip into the unknown, though, and requires a certain social media/reading skills -- what to ignore and what to pay attention to, and how does it all connect to the learning and discovery
    • swatson217
      I agree about the talking head!
  • one’s own nonsense may be someone else”s sense
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This could be an alternative tag line for my blog!
  • by focusing on my small groups of people (often not even using the hashtag to be honest; sometimes in DM or in private hangouts; other times in public on blogs) I am making my own path as I intersect with others’ paths.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sidorkin suggests the latter is the best part of a good party.
    • Terry Elliott
      This reminds me of MIT's unhangout software with breakout rooms.
  • But then the best part of a conference
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, I can remember at every conference there is a canceled presentation where folks gather around and just chat about...stuff--ad hoc and improvisational. We need a simple discussion protocol that is quick in and quick out, save for asynchronous discussion.
    • Maha Bali
      Did you see that post by... A wordpress site called emergentbydesign (Simon shared it, i think) where the author suggests a kind of mindful chat roulette based on interest?
    on the value of the backchannel conversations
    on the value of the backchannel conversations

Teaching Students to Become Curators of Ideas: The Curation Project - 0 views

    • profrehn
      Love this! need to learn more about how this worked. maybe meet teacher via RFD? 
  • As part of the social media class, my students are required to set up a network of online mentors using social media tools.
  • This semester, I asked my students to “curate” that information the way a museum curator would curate an art exhibit.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In essence, I tasked students with  creating the ultimate resource on a particular topic and to share it with the world.
    plns and curation 
Terry Elliott

Leveraging your "Why?", in answer to Mike Wesch. « PHONAR - An open undergrad... - 2 views

  • It’s the thing that’s informing everything that I do.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Finding that kernal of drive is important, and then reflecting on it .. even more important.
  • I realised in retrospect that people paid for the mode of delivery, never the mode of information.
  • This next paradigm shift is where the image is breaking away from the photograph
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Fascinating concept here ... and a way to look at the world of digital media, where concepts are breaking away from itself.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • visual storyteller. One, I need to make something that you couldn’t make with a mobile phone. I could make a print that lasts 200 years for instance. Number two, I needed to be trusted and credible. And number three, I needed to be heard.
  • they’re also about locating yourself on the internet
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Social identity? Digital identity? Important concepts to teach and to understand, particularly with the sand shifting beneath our feet almost daily (it seems).
    • Tania Sheko
      Being part of online networks linked by passion or cause or course or anything else, can mean a long term supportive relationship with people but it takes time to learn how to do that, and it would help if it was taught explicitly to school students but in context.
  • Most of my students it turns out weren’t in the room, and I began to have quite close relationships with a number of them.
  • The class moves out of the classroom.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Hello, open education!
  • What these people need is to be able to be trusted and to be heard, and these are the people that aren’t in the class.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This makes me think about equity and access issues, for some reasons, and how to ensure that entry into learning is available for everyone. Certainly, that is the guiding ethos of open learning spaces, right?
  • a second paradigm shit at the moment
  • how do we propagate and sustain interest driven learning?
    • Terry Elliott
      Interesting choice of words--propagate.  There are lots of ways to propagate.  And like the biological world some of them are a real pain in the ass.  Take the pawpaw tree. Please.  In order to fruit (seed propagate) it has to have a very specific carrion fly to get into its flower (as I recall anyway, I am not a botanist, YMMV).  If it doesn't, then no fruit.  Luckily the tree also propagates rhizomatically. learning terms we need to be prepared for difficult propagation and easy propagation.  And these vary wildly from discipline to discipline.
    Jonathan responds to Mike, and we should annotate the response, right?
    Jonathan responds to Mike, and we should annotate the response, right?
Terry Elliott

Reflecting on Papert, Palmer and FreireReflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 1 views

  • There’s Papert’s Mindstorms, Freire’s Pedagogy of Hope, and Palmer’s The Courage to Teach.
    • Terry Elliott
      These three book along withDeschooling Society, any John Holt book, Whitehead's The Aims of Education, and Fukuoka's One Straw Revolution (an outlier here I admit) were my guides on the road to unschooling all three of our kids.  Oh yeah, and Neil Postman and the Whole Earth Catalog,
  • distances students from their inner reality
    • Terry Elliott
      as if we don't do this enough already in our own lives as a really bad coping mechanism.
  • devaluing inner reality
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • opportunities of engaging with students’ souls
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes it seems like an active avoidance of students' souls.
  • with Freire’s ideas
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, reading as a social activity--have you read any Frank Smith
  • creating space for learners to make meaning from what matters to them, rather than having teachers or policy-makers make those decisions for them.
    • Terry Elliott
      I have been experimenting with the word 'substrate' as the bare minimum structure upon which a bare minimum of content (there can be many growing media).  I am thinking just enough, vetted for bias as much as possible, and willing to be remixed as needed.  
  • how fiction can be a person’s (inner) reality, that it’s not a lie to a child.
    • Terry Elliott
      Our kids used to have a big box of legos, blocks, plastic creatures AND they called them their 'guys'.  And they would go play guys.  And we were not allowed to play guys with them. It was their domain.  We could play in other domains, we could read aloud to them, but their guys were their guys, not ours.  They owned their own imaginations and still do.  If imagination be fiction, then let us have more of it.
  • Which brings me back to Palmer
    • Terry Elliott
  • Landfillharmonic video
    • Terry Elliott
  • And his idea is to leave them to build on their own and figure out what the role of teachers/schools would then be, if it is not to impart knowledge/content.
    • Terry Elliott
      Dignity.  They own their own knowledge, deeply.
Terry Elliott

touches of sense... - 3 views

  • Let it bleed
    • Terry Elliott
      The motto of the cutter.  The secret answer to the question, "Am I still alive?"  I need a sign from the only God I know--my own body, the only truth as embodied.
  • I will not let the hope of life die.
    • Terry Elliott
      Hope is fractal.  The tiniest bit be representin' of the whole. 
  • Let us bleed our life over blank sheets.
    • Terry Elliott
      Red Smith was asked if turning out a daily column wasn't quite a chore. …"Why, no," dead-panned Red. "You simply sit down at the typewriter, open your veins, and bleed."
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • Let us laugh out loud at this madness.
    • Terry Elliott
      It's only blood.  We'll make more.  Let the IV run to your pen.  And write until you grow faint as the memory of your loss concentrates in your veins.
  • I got the joke.
    • Terry Elliott
      Me, too. And ask not for whom the joke sings, it sings for thee.
  • I knew that I was effectively dead. 
    • Terry Elliott
      At Thomas Merton's Grave BY SPENCER REECE We can never be with loss too long. Behind the warped door that sticks, the wood thrush calls to the monks, pausing upon the stone crucifix, singing: "I am marvelous alone!" Thrash, thrash goes the hayfield: rows of marrow and bone undone. The horizon's flashing fastens tight, sealing the blue hills with vermilion. Moss dyes a squirrel's skull green. The cemetery expands its borders- little milky crosses grow like teeth. How kind time is, altering space so nothing stays wrong; and light, more new light, always arrives.
  • many metamorphoses over the years
  • How do you live after death?
    • Terry Elliott
      Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
    • Terry Elliott
  • This was all a nightmare. 
    • Terry Elliott
      The darkness drops again; but now I know    That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
    • Terry Elliott
      One, two! One, two! And through and through       The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head       He went galumphing back.
  • I lived still in hell.
    • Terry Elliott
      Midway along the journey of life I woke to find myself in a dark wood, for I had wandered off from the straight path. Canto 1, Inferno
  • How wrong could I be?
  • Her silence, and in particular her rictus terrified me.
    • Terry Elliott
      Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock. One flew east, And one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
    • Terry Elliott
  • How does one live when one knows one is dead?
    • Terry Elliott
      Sound track to Dead Man, Neil Young
  • "You have been through hell."
  • "Why not me?"
  • "Education Nirvana."
    • Terry Elliott
  • inkling
    • Terry Elliott
      Origin of INKLING Inkling is a mighty word. Middle English yngkiling whisper, mention, probably from inclen to hint at; akin to Old English inca suspicion First Known Use: 1513
  • a bit of surprise
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Miracles do happen"
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Hurrah!" I hear you say.
    • Terry Elliott
  • a stunned silence
    • Terry Elliott
  • "We've realised over the past few hours, that we really haven't got a clue what on earth we are playing at, so we have decided as a group to abandon all pretence at leading policy for world education."
    • Terry Elliott
  • a congregation of education hacks
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio and voice recording >>
    • swatson217
      I love this comment.
  • There is one more thing
    • Terry Elliott
  • Prince Edward Island, in Canada.
    • Terry Elliott
  • Mr Dave Cormier
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Who?" I hear you say.
    • Terry Elliott
  • what will now become official world education policy.
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Rhizomatic learning, or rhizomatic education."
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
  • Mr Cormier, it appears, will be giving us a detailed report
    • Terry Elliott
    • swatson217
  • surprised as any of us
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • The world is really a mad, mad, mad, and wholly uncertain place..
    • Terry Elliott
      W. B. Yeats, "The Second Coming" from Mohammed Raiyah
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Hello! Can you hear me?"
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio and voice recording >>
  • "Idiot!" "Fucking idiot."
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • "Idiot!" "Fucking idiot."
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • "So, what next?"
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "If I were to put my hand there?"
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "No, it's unsafe, there's a loose block." "If that were to come off, that's a bloody big block.
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "What if I moved my foot up a bit."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "Yes, that seems better."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • significance
    • Terry Elliott
      significance (sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns)  [a. OF. significance, or ad. L. significantia, f. L. significāre to signify: cf. signifiance. Not frequent before the 19th cent., but cf. next.]  1. a.1.a The meaning or import of something.  c 1450 Merlin ii. 39 Often axed Vortiger of Merlyn the significance of the two dragons. [Ibid. 40 significaunce.] 1649 Milton Eikon. viii. 73 Empty sentences, that have the sound of gravity, but the significance of nothing pertinent.  
      Audio recording and upload >> b.1.b Without const.: Meaning; suggestiveness.  1863 Geo. Eliot Romola iii. xxiv, To one who is anxiously in search of a certain object the faintest suggestions have a peculiar significance.  
      Record and upload audio >> 3.3 Statistics. The level at or extent to which a result is statistically significant; freq. attrib., as significance level; significance test, a method used to calculate the significance of a result; hence significance testing vbl. n.  1977 P. Johnson Enemies of Society xi. 157 In psychology, for example, it is notorious that 'results' use
  • "You fucking idiot." "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • at a crux again
    • Terry Elliott
      crux (krʌks)  [L.: see cross.]  ‖1.1 = cross, in heraldic and other expressions. crux ansata = tau 2 b (see quot. 1930).     1841 J. G. Wilkinson Manners & Customs Anc. Egyptians 2nd Ser. I. xiii. 341 The sign of life (or crux ansata) was compelled to submit to the unintelligible name of 'Key of the Nile'.    1896 [see ankh].    1930 E. A. T. W. Budge Amulets & Superstitions xviii. 340 It is wrong, too, to call the sign ☥, crux ansata, the 'handled cross', for whatever object the hieroglyph may represent, it was certainly not a cross or anything like it. ‖2.2 Astron. The constellation of the Southern Cross.     1837 Penny Cycl. VIII. 198 Crux, a southern constellation formed out of Halley's observations by Augustine Royer in his maps published in 1679.    1870 Proctor Other Worlds xi. 253 There is in the constellation Crux, a pear-shaped vacuity of considerable size. 3.3 fig. a.3.a A difficulty which it torments or troubles one greatly to interpret or explain, a thing that puzzles the ingenuity; as 'a textual crux'. Cf. crucify v. 2 c. (Used by Sheridan and Swift with the sense 'conundrum, riddle'.)    [Cf. G. kreuz, Grimm, 2178 g, (quoted from Herder 1778, and Niebuhr); according to Hildebrand taken from the scholastic Latin crux interpretum, etc.]     1718 Sheridan To Swift Wks. 1814 XV. 56 Dear dean, since in cruxes and puns you and I deal, Pray, Why is a woman a sieve and a riddle?    1718 Swift To Sheridan Ibid. 61 As for your new rebus, or riddle, or crux, I will either explain, or repay it in trucks.    1830 Sir W. Hamilton Philos. Perception Disc. (1852) 69 note, Ideas have been the crux philosophorum, since Aristotle sent them packing to the present day.    1859 Maurice What is Revelation 70 To look upon them as mere cruxes and trivialities which may be left to critics.    1875 Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 401 The unity of opposites was the crux of ancient thinkers in the age of Plato.
  • "My God, oh my God , why have you forsaken me?"
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "I  thirst"
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "I swarm up towards the sunlight, gasping for air."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • "It is finished."
    • Terry Elliott

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  • in significance
    • Terry Elliott
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